I frequently get asked to help with, seemingly random, behaviour of the Raspberry Pi. By far the most common cause is the power supply. Whilst the use of a USB socket for the power supply connection is very convenient, it[…]Click to read more..
Category: Uncategorized
Repairing Corrupt System Files in Windows 10
** Updated 3rd Jan 2019 – To add extra DISM commands and recovery options. Windows includes a number of tools to get you out of a fix if your computer starts misbehaving. In this post, I’ll run through the repair[…]Click to read more..
Raspberry Pi – Running a program after the PIXEL desktop starts
Updated 21-4-2020 to correct typo. To automatically run a python program when the PIXEL loads, you need to add a command to the autostart file that can be found here: /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart Here’s the process: Open the autostart file: sudo nano[…]Click to read more..
Recover Damaged Mac HFS+ disk with Linux
A friend of mine recently set me a challenge to recover 2TB of photo files from a Mac external drive that had failed. Fortunately, it was the USB to SATA converter that failed, so I could extract the bare drive[…]Click to read more..
Raspberry Pi 3+ & Ubuntu Mate – WARNING
Having just wasted time trying to get this going, I’ve discovered that the Ubuntu Mate download on the official Raspberry Pi site doesn’t work on the Pi3B+! This has been known about since March but has not been resolved! The supplied[…]Click to read more..
Red Pitaya – Buyer Beware
My Red Pitaya failed recently after about 2 years of occasional use. It’s probably a 3.3V power regulator fault but the Red Pitaya team won’t supply component details and don’t have a repair option! So that’s £250 gone and not[…]Click to read more..
Airspy – Spy Server Scripts
I’ve had Spy Server working very successfully with the Pi 3 for a while now and have written a few time-saving scripts that others might find useful. These can be found in the attached zip file. Here’s a quick run[…]Click to read more..
bhi ParaPro EQ20-DSP Sound file
The following audio files have been provided to support my reviews of the bhi ParaPro EQ200-DSP power amplifier with noise reduction and parametric filtering. The first recording shows an aeronautical VOLMET signal as folows: 0-20 seconds – Origian signal 20-40[…]Click to read more..
Windows 10 Backup and Restore
Windows 10 still includes the Backup and Restore facility from Windows 7 but it’s been hidden! Here’s how to find it: In the Windows search box (bottom left of screen) enter: control panel Open the control panel and in the[…]Click to read more..
Raspberry Pi – Running Spy Server as a service
Updated 8th March to clarify the requirement for Spy Server to be pre-installed. Updated 8th Aug 2018 to add a start-up delay to the rtlsdr.service file. This is to ensure that an IP address has been allocated before the Spy[…]Click to read more..
RSGB Convention 2017 – Pi in the Shack Slides
The link below will take you to a PDF copy of the slides that I used for my presentations at the 2017 RSGB Convention. Pi in the Shack-Mike Richards RSGB 2017
137MHz Polar Orbiting Weather Satellites
In my Radio User Decode column I’ve been describing a receiving station for the NOAA polar orbiting weather satellites and in this post I’m including a few examples so you can see the station’s capabilities. All the images are taken directly[…]Click to read more..