The following links contain the audio recording and the Excel spreadsheet used for my WSJT-X vs JTDX comparison. The following link will download the audio file (WAV format) used for the performance comparison. This was recorded in the late afternoon[…]Click to read more..
Author: Mike Richards
Test files for the FT-8 performance comparison.
In the August Data Modes column in PW I will be comparing the decoding performance of WSJT-X, JTDX, MSHV and WSJT-Z. For those that want to run similar tests, I’ve uploaded my test files to DropBox and they are available[…]Click to read more..
GoPro Hero 10 WebCam on Windows 11
Having recently changed to a GoPro Hero 10, I was disappointed to find that the GoPro WebCam application doesn’t work on Windows 11. This is a driver problem that GoPro has yet to fix. Fortunately, there’s a quick fix that[…]Click to read more..
SimSmith on the Raspberry Pi
Anyone using a VNA in the workshop will find SimSmith an excellent tool. By combining the analysis of S parameters from a VNA with a circuit simulator, SimSmith becomes a powerful tool for designing matching circuits. In this post, I’ll[…]Click to read more..
Use Raspberry Pi Imager to burn zip file images
The excellent Raspberry Pi Imager software is ideal for burning zipped operating system images to a SD card or hard drive. There’s no need to unzip the file as Imager does it for you. Here’s the step-by-step process: Download the[…]Click to read more..
Raspberry Pi Unreliable WiFi & Power Saving
When using the Raspberry Pi over marginal Wi-Fi links I have experienced problems with the Pi dropping the network entirely. When that happens the only fix is a reboot. After much searching, it would appear that the Wi-Fi power save[…]Click to read more..
Installing Unsigned Drivers on Windows 10 or 11
There may be occasions where you need to install unsigned drivers on a Windows PC. This can be achieved using several methods, but my recommended technique is to temporarily disable the Windows driver signing enforcement. This is easy to do[…]Click to read more..
Reset Admin password for Zabbix web server
Zabbix is an excellent monitoring tool for larger computer networks but there are times when the Admin password needs to be reset. Fortunately, this is easy to do with the following steps: Open Mysql or whatever database you are using.[…]Click to read more..
Front & rear panel graphics for the NanoKeyer
The NanoKeyer by Oscar, DJ0MY is an excellent project for which Oscar can supply blank PCBs. These are designed to fit in a Fischer case, which is, unfortunately, not available in the UK. However, there is a smaller alternative Fischer[…]Click to read more..
Raspberry Pi (Bullseye)- Building WSJT-X 2.5.4 from source
Completely rewritten 21st March, 2022Updated 25th March, 2022 – to correct typos in prerequisites My previous post on this topic had a few errors so I’ve just rewritten the entire post.The WSJT-X Pi binaries are currently only available for the[…]Click to read more..