Completely rewritten 21st March, 2022Updated 25th March, 2022 – to correct typos in prerequisites My previous post on this topic had a few errors so I’ve just rewritten the entire post.The WSJT-X Pi binaries are currently only available for the[…]Click to read more..
Category: Raspberry Pi
WSJT-X 2.3 – Transmit Audio Failure with PiOS
Thanks to a report from John, GM0WRR, I have identified a problem with WSJT-X 2.3 and the use of PulseAudio on the Raspberry Pi. When setting the input and output soundcard you would normally set both to pulse. However, if[…]Click to read more..
Raspberry Pi – Multiple Instances of RTLSDR as a Service
My Raspberry Pi RTL Dongle server cards run the server as a service under systemd. This has several benefits including a better-defined start and the facility to stop/restart a service gracefully. One of my customer recently asked if it was[…]Click to read more..
RTL-SDR Server as a service on Raspberry Pi
Updated 25th Aug 2021 Clarified RTL-SDR build requirements NB: This post assumes that you have already built the RTL-SDR server from source using the following instructions. Install RTL-SDR server These instructions will not work if you install RTL-SDR via the[…]Click to read more..
SimSmith on the Raspberry Pi
Anyone using a VNA in the workshop will find SimSmith an excellent tool. By combining the analysis of S parameters from a VNA with a circuit simulator, SimSmith becomes a powerful tool for designing matching circuits. In this post, I’ll[…]Click to read more..
Installing & upgrading CQRLOG on a Raspberry Pi
Updated 17 July 2020 to add missing wildcards from the apt install line! CQRLOG is one of the most complete contact logging programs for Linux and the Raspberry Pi, but building the latest version from source can be problematic. In[…]Click to read more..
Raspberry Pi Buster – GPS Dongle as a time source with Chrony & Timedatectl
UPDATE 17-12-21: Sean (see comments below) has noted that, when using these instructions with the latest OS, the operation fails unless you comment-out (prefix line with #) START_DAEMON=”true” in the gpsd config file. I will run some checks here and[…]Click to read more..
Raspberry Pi – Fixing a slow mouse
I recently changed my keyboard/mouse combo to a Perixx Periduo-712. When I restarted the Pi, I found that my mouse pointer had become very slow. A quick look around the Internet revealed a fix as follows: To speed-up the mouse,[…]Click to read more..
NanoVNA Saver on the Raspberry Pi
UPDATED 14-April 2023: The latest version of NanoVNA Saver requires PyQt6 which is not yet available for the Pi. I will update these instructions when it’s available. NanoVNA Saver is an excellent package that provides a host of useful features[…]Click to read more..
Raspberry Pi – Transfer WSJT-X, JS8Call and FLDIGI settings to a new image
Several customers have asked me how they can move their settings and macros from one Pi image to another. This post attempts to simplify the process. To preserve your settings, you just need to copy a few files from the[…]Click to read more..
PiFace on the Raspberry Pi – Problem Solved!
UPDATE – 19-8-2022 The board producers have updated their code, and the instructions on their Github site now work perfectly. Here’s the link: PiFace installation: PiFace github You can also use this excellent board on the Pi 4B, but you[…]Click to read more..
Packet Radio with the Raspberry Pi
Packet Radio TNC with the Raspberry Pi ** Updated 21-2-18 The Pi plus a USB soundcard is all you need to get started with Packet Radio. Instead of using a dedicated hardware TNC, the Pi can be coaxed to do[…]Click to read more..