Comments on: Making a Reduced Size IMG for backups or sharing Freelance Technical Author, Illustrator & Photographer Wed, 23 Jun 2021 07:42:41 +0000 hourly 1 By: Neil Paisnel Wed, 23 Jun 2021 07:42:41 +0000 This is now a better easier way to create a reduced size image fo the running system
the little image-backup utility

copy it to /usr/bin or similar and chmod +x it, mount external drive for your backup and run ./image-backup

does incremental too ..

By: Neil P Thu, 26 Jul 2018 11:34:26 +0000 A little confused by what you said about I had not specified a partition for the output file
I used
sudo dc3dd if=/dev/sdb of=/dev/sda/heyu.img
I also tried
sudo dc3dd if=/dev/sdb of=/dev/sda/sda1/heyu.img

both with and without the extra ‘ . ‘

I tried multiple times.

You gave me:

sudo dc3dd if=/dev/sdb of=heyu.img

where does that put the output file

By: Neil P Thu, 26 Jul 2018 11:11:00 +0000 Hi Mike
I did wonder about the . I did try with and was there in your original text…

I created an image on Win10 machine but now cant copy it to the Pi..either it is too big for the USB FAT32 files system or if I try and drag it across the network to a smb share…I do not have enough space on the currently running Pi

using gparted now to resize the partition to try again

By: Mike Richards Thu, 26 Jul 2018 09:32:38 +0000 In reply to Neil P.


In the command line there’s an unwanted . before the output file. Also you haven’t said what partition to use for the output file. A simpler way to do this is to use the file manager to navigate to the folder where you want to store the image. When you get there, choose tools – open a terminal session and it will open a terminal session in the correct folder. The command to generate the image then becomes:

sudo dc3dd if=/dev/sdb of=heyu.img

If you want to reduce the size of the image, I suggest you use the pishrink script(Google it). Copy the file to the same folder as the image and enter the following:

sudo heyu.img heyuSmall.img

This creates a new, smaller, image. When copied to a blank SD card the image will automatically expand to fill the SD card when it boots.

Mike – G4WNC


Mike – G4WNC

By: Neil P Thu, 26 Jul 2018 08:30:17 +0000 Hi Mike,
Can you see why this is not working

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo dc3dd if=/dev/sdb of=/dev/sda/heyu.img

dc3dd 7.2.646 started at 2018-07-26 09:27:18 +0100
compiled options:
command line: dc3dd if=/dev/sdb of=./dev/sda/heyu.img
device size: 31116288 sectors (probed), 15,931,539,456 bytes
sector size: 512 bytes (probed)
[!!] opening `./dev/sda/heyu.img’: No such file or directory
0 bytes ( 0 ) copied ( 0% ), 0 s, 0 K/s
input results for device `/dev/sdb’:
0 sectors in
0 bad sectors replaced by zeros
output results for file `./dev/sda/heyu.img’:
0 sectors out
dc3dd failed at 2018-07-26 09:27:18 +0100
